Friday, October 30, 2015

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

This was me... 4 years ago. I was carefree, in love and wanting a new adventure. So, when my boyfriend was offered a job in DC and decided that it was time to move out there I was stuck with the hardest decision in my life. I faced the choice of moving to a big city with him, or trying to make a long distance relationship work... for who knows how long. I didn't have too long to think about it, his decision was made... he was leaving in a few days after finding out he got the job. It took me longer to make up my mind but in the end, I decided to move.

Who knew that it would change my life forever?

Oh, Timehop. It really is the greatest app ever, letting us relive all of our old memories, reminisce and relive all of the fun times we had. It's so fun looking back at everything! 

So, exactly 4 years ago I moved to Virginia. I was emotional to say the least, it was extremely difficult to leave my family, my friends but really exciting to go on a new adventure to a city I have never been to and start fresh. 

Two weeks after arriving in VA and getting settled in Dan and I knew something wasn't feeling right. I was sick, always so tired, an emotional wreck (which we both blamed on the home sickness), and to top it all off I hated my new job so I quit the first day there. When Dan and I were moving in I tripped over the stupid curbs they have there, (thank you clumsiness) I sprained my ankle and was stuck climbing 4 flights of stairs with crutches to our apartment. Needless to say, my first week or two were miserable!

That's when I realized something wasn't right. 
I knew that it wasn't all due to being homesick, or crabby and tired. 

So, that's when I peed on a stick.

Dan looked at it...

We cried.

We were PREGNANT! 

Here I was, in an apartment, in a huge city, without my best friend or mom, without my friends, family, unknown surroundings, without my OBGYN... and I am pregnant. I thought I was emotional before but these new emotions took me to a whole new level of emotional hell. It was a long couple of months from there... Things took a turn for the worst when I had an emotional break, couldn't handle it anymore and moved home, alone. 

With me moving home and realizing Dan was staying in DC, realizing I was going to be doing this all alone was the hardest part of our entire relationship. We went through hell, and back, and then went through hell again... and repeated that cycle many, many, many times. Our relationship was falling apart, and at times completely fell apart as this beautiful miracle was growing bigger daily. 

A lot happened in the few months I moved home and Dan was working his dream job in DC... I started back at my old job, got a new job, worked my ass off for both of them and was living back at home with my parents who were so amazing, helpful and giving during that time. I used their car, they saved all of my money for me, I never went out, never spent a dime, never had friend time... just lots of family time, working time, and lots of boring nights alone. When the deadline came to get my own place and find an apartment for the little one and I, things were finally on the mend. At that time, Dan moved back home... we began to restore the lost trust, rebuild the pieces of the horrible emotional wreckage and become a team again. We knew that the biggest challenge was still ahead of us and we needed to do it together. 

So, 4 years ago our lives changed and have continued to change ever since. We have been through hell and back, and it's made us stronger, more trustworthy and loyal people, we are happier and have a healthier relationship. Ever since, we haven't left each others side. It's crazy to think that 4 years back wasn't that long ago, but so much has happened. We have been blessed with an amazing daughter, a beautiful home, a dog (totally my fault) and another baby on the way... all because we took a chance on love so long ago. We took a leap of faith, decided to make it work, and chose LOVE over anything else that may have mattered at the time. We wouldn't be where we are at now if it weren't for those moments... come hell or high-water, in sickness and health, till' death do us part... we are in it together and we are in it forever.

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