Saturday, November 14, 2015

Baby Bump | 9 Months + 1 Week


How far along: 37 Weeks / 9 Months + 1 Week
Due Date: December 4, 2015 was our original due date. However, the doctor we saw at our maternal fetal medicine ultrasound showed us that baby is measuring ahead and we are now at November 30, 2015 for our due date based on baby measurements - which is likely more accurate anyway. I can't believe it's only weeks away! November sure did come up fast this year!
Baby Size: Approx. 19.25 in. / 6.3lbs. / about the size of a winter melon (what's that? lol!) 
Weight Gain: Since my 36 week weigh in I have lost 2 lbs. but who's counting! ;)
Gender: GIRL 
Sleep: Sleeping at night has been great this week! I have been tossing and turning and getting up every hour or so to pee however, when I do sleep it's so wonderful. I am actually waking up feeling refreshed instead of zombie-like but then crash at nap time with Lennon for a couple of hours. Preggo's need their sleep! 
I am feeling: This week has been a game changer in this pregnancy. I had my checkup this week and unfortunately I am no where near dilation or cervix softening. However, all of the other pre-labor signs are there... and I won't go into detail other than crazy cramps, back pain and really, really, really, low pains. I have to stop what I am doing a lot to catch my breath, sit down from swollen feet or leg pain and take it easy. It's not easy with a toddler at home or having a hubby that comes home from work exhausted so I don't get a foot rub nightly... but we are managing with lots of movie time, arts and crafts and cuddles! Our little girl has definitely dropped this week even more than last week, it's just a waiting game now! Excitement for it to be over aside, I am getting REALLY nervous. I mean, I remember Lennon's birth... I remember how painful it was but I remember having warning signs, signs telling me what to do, when to go to the hospital, etc. My water broke with Lennon and that was it... time to head in. This time, I am really nervous for the warning signs, contractions, wondering what it will all be like, how fast or slow I will progress, praying we make it to the hospital in time to deliver, praying our Doula makes it, our midwife, etc. I am worried about so many things... I know I will be in good hands but I can't help but wonder what it will all be like! Just so thankful that we have a Doula and she's really reassuring me that this will be a great experience. 
Cravings: This week my cravings have been so random;  root beer - fountain pop, deviled eggs, cheesecake, cookies, spicy food with those things, and tea, lots of tea. Top two weird things: Chocolate Cheesecake and Deviled Eggs and if I would have had them in the house I so would have eaten them together. Eww, right? I know but this preggo is craving some weird things lately. It's so odd! My mother in law rocks and made me deviled eggs that were so delicious, I ate the entire plate in 1 day. Oops! Then, my mom made boiled dinner - my favorite and has leftovers for me! YUM. YUM. YUM. On top of my family being so generous and making my favorite things, last night my parents took us all out to Olive Garden so I could get my favorite pasta that's been on my cravings list all pregnancy. FINALLY got it, and it hit the spot. It's been a good week for this preggo. 
Currently loving: I am loving the fact that it's real now... we are actually in the last few weeks and in 4 weeks OR LESS, hopefully WAY LESS, we will have a baby girl in our arms. It's crazy to think we have made it to the end and our family of 4 will soon be complete. I am so anxious to get the car seat put in, set up the bassinet, wash the last few outfits, blankets and sheets for her and of course meet her! I am getting anxious.
Currently hating: I am hating a lot of things these days; the pains in my ribs, pelvis and back, going to the store and waddling like a penguin, chasing Lennon and getting out of breath, bending over to tie my shoes, shave my legs, paint my toes, lying on my side having feet in my ribcage, bruised ribs, never feeling like my thirst is quenched - and I drink water all day long, eating spicy foods and getting heartburn, emotions - I am crying about everything, nothing fits me anymore - not even Dan's t-shirts, every time I get out of bed I wonder if my water is going to burst (fingers crossed it does), Braxton Hicks are annoying, contractions every now and then suck and take my breath away, Luke lays on my tummy every chance he gets (he knows somethings up now!), anddddd.... there's probably more but right now I am brain-farting. Oh, add that to the list, brain farts... they suck!

Happy 37 weeks! 

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