Monday, May 9, 2016

London | 8 Weeks

London Marie is 8 weeks old today, where has the time gone? 

I'm emotional. I'm emotional about her growing up, I already can't remember what it was like holding a squishy newborn baby. In the beginning I wished for this day, the day that she was a little older, not waking up every two hours, not cluster feeding 24-7, etc. and now that it's here it's crazy how fast it came. I'm emotional because I'm thankful and grateful and so appreciative of what my hubs does for us. If I was still working I would be sending this sweet baby girl to day care every day for the last two weeks. I would be missing the snuggles at nap time, the sweet smiles during her happy time of day, the way she holds on to me while nursing, the coo's and giggles she's learning to do. I'm emotional because this very well could be my last baby, our last little bundle of squish. I am hanging onto every moment, every puke smelled shirt, every squishy cheek kiss, and every little whine and cry because I know it's for me. I love looking at her knowing we created this, we created a beautiful little girl and I love being her mom!

Okay, less emotional thought... Can I just say THANK GOD for sleep?! It's been great lately, knock on wood. London goes to bed around 9-10PM (still working on getting that earlier) and sleeps until around 4:30AM. Dream feed. Sleep until 8:30-9:00AM. Whew, mama needed some sleep this week and it's been working out well for me! Last night she slept for 9 hours!!!! 9 HOURS!!!!! & get this, she still took a great morning nap! I'm lucky! I am feeling so much more energized in the morning and well rested. I still need a ton of coffee in the morning to help me stay awake all day when Dan works these long hours but this is a step in the right direction. Let's hope and pray for everyone's sake that it stays this way! 

The last couple of weeks London has been more awake during the evening, more alert and happier. She's smiling and cooing, giggling when Lennon talks to her and calls her "honey bear" which has since become her little nickname and we adore it! 

We have been having a great week - I won a Tula... my dream giveaway, my dream baby carrier... a freakin' Tula and a Tula Blanket. Yes, I screamed like a child getting ice cream! Then in the same week I won some baby feeding accessories & my dear friend opened an Etsy shop with some adorable bandana bibs so I splurged and ordered 3 for London! They're cheap, adorable and that's a WIN WIN! Girls, boys, gender neutral... Check them out here - Tiny Champion

I had an amazing Monday this week when I scored this limited edition new diaper! As soon as I saw that it was a Beatles song I was determined that I had to buy it! Here's miss London in her new "All You Need Is Love" diaper"! It came just in time for Valentines Day! 

 I sit back and I watch my girls love each other more and more every day. I look at them and think, this is my life... and it will only get better from here. I may cry from exhaustion, scream in my head at the long days we have alone while Dan works but we are so in love with our little family that none of that seems to matter at the end of the day. I go to bed thanking God for all he's given us and continues to give, I pray for happier moments, shorter days alone, less crying, whining and more giggling, less arguing with my toddler and more talking, I pray for more nights with my husband that aren't consumed with work, and overall I pray for the health of my girls. I am learning as I go, no one wrote a book on how to be a mom, what to do when you're overwhelmed and exhausted and can't take a nap, no one guides you through this. I am getting better and stronger every day and I thank my friends and family for that. 

Happy 8 weeks baby girl! 

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